After Anabelle's school, we would walk to a cafe.
She would enjoy her jugo de mora.
I would have my double espresso.
Across the street, on a corner is this home.
Untouched for years.
La Casa de la Bruja
they call it
She would enjoy her jugo de mora.
I would have my double espresso.
Across the street, on a corner is this home.
Untouched for years.
La Casa de la Bruja
they call it
I am intrigued by the neglect of the home and the grandeur it may have once held
I think of the woman who still lives there
alone... staring out onto the changing world around her
I think of the woman who still lives there
alone... staring out onto the changing world around her
The house is ignored and feared
I think of Miss Havisham... in her Bridal Gown
did this 'witch' have the same outcome?
did this 'witch' have the same outcome?
The Witch's house is in Beverly Hills and belongs to a real estate agent, Michael Libow